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What does Project Management Look Like in the Age of Cloud Enabled Workforces?

Written by Morgan Landry | 29 November 2017

Change is scary, but the benefits the cloud seriously outweigh the time and effort required to understand and integrate it. To that end, let's explore what the cloud means for project managers and how these people can adapt to this new technology.

The cloud simplifies everything

When it comes to productivity, the cloud is king. To begin, the technology allows people to access apps and other critical tools for the project from anywhere at anytime. What's more, utilizing a cloud service means you'll gain access to the knowledgeable IT employees of that vendor, which can seriously lower the amount of overall downtime.

The cloud can be your best friend if you let it. Of course, all of these benefits aren't lost on business leaders. A study from Clutch found that around half of survey respondents said that efficiency was the biggest advantage they got out of the cloud.

As a project manager, the most important aspect of your job is to ensure a particular task is done as quickly and as effectively as possible. This includes utilizing outside resources to the best of your ability.

As The Balance pointed out, project managers working with a modern cloud deployment generally don't have team members working on design and architecture. It's simply more effective to rely on the vendor's employees for these tasks, which can drastically change how a project takes shape. Understanding this is key for future success in the field.

Having a deep knowledge base helps

Life is hard for project managers. Being in a position of power can be fulfilling, but it also requires you to keep tabs on the development of technologies that can completely change your field. This is especially true of the cloud.

What the cloud was 10 years ago isn't even remotely what it is now, and that's clearly going to change in the next 10 years. Therefore, staying on top of this ever-evolving innovation takes a lot of work. In fact, TechTarget stated that the best course of action for project managers trying to stay ahead of the curve is to study up on cloud computing terminology.

For many, the simplest solution here is to enroll in a New Horizons cloud computing course. For years, New Horizons has been at the forefront for computer education, and we've carved out specific skills and knowledge you'll need to succeed. Our long list of cloud computing classes can help you brush up on your understanding of the field, thereby giving you more tools and resources to do well.

On top of that, we have a multitude of courses on project management in the modern world. These classes start at the basics of what's needed in this role, but they build up to certain skills that many master project managers may not even know. Through a combination of these courses with those focused on cloud computing technologies, you'll be ready to adapt to anything the job market throws at you.