7 Categories to Consider Before Choosing a Cloud Provider

With so many features and services to consider, comparing these three cloud giants is complicated. Find out how Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud IaaS and PaaS platforms stack up in this head-to-head comparison.

We’ll cover seven categories to consider before choosing a cloud provider for your business.

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Your Network is Already Compromised, What Now?

The answer lies in network visibility. By providing you with insight into your attackers’ behaviors and location within your environment, network visibility can help you prevent a security event from becoming a full-blown data breach.

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Ten Things to Consider Before Jumping into the Cloud

Keeping these ten steps in mind will help organizations deliver even greater outcomes when looking for an efficient cloud-centric procurement process

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3 Reasons Cloud Migrations Fail and What You Can Do About It

As cloud computing has become more popular, many companies have come to take the migration process for granted. However, moving various apps and services into a cloud environment still presents numerous challenges, especially as every cloud is a little bit different. With major vendors, such as Microsoft, Google and Amazon all offering their own ecosystems, every cloud migration ends up being distinct from the one that came before. Companies can't afford to take a transition to the cloud for granted, and must instead plan carefully and train staff to handle any challenges that may arise.

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23 Cloud Security Best Practices

1. Establish SLAs in the Contract, Including in the Cases of Security Incidents

A solid detailing of the service-level agreement (SLA) in your contract is extremely important because the control comes fully from the internal IT and security teams. If any infrastructure unavailabilities, distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks, vulnerabilities or other security incidents are not established in the contract, you will not be able to properly prevent penalties and fines in the case of a security incident.

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