3 Expectations and Realities of an Azure Administration Job

Understand the expectations and realities of an Azure Administrator job before applying. Learn the necessary skills and dedication required.

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Microsoft Azure Fundamentals

Microsoft Azure is one of the most prominent cloud computing platforms and is the essential behind-the-scenes supporting infrastructure for much of the Microsoft cloud (e.g., Office 365) as well as for many third-party apps, websites and services. As an IT professional, you should be familiar with at least the general contours of Azure and what it can do for an organization.

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SharePoint Tips and Tricks

SharePoint is used by thousands of organizations of varying sizes and is often lauded for its centralized flow of data and its mobile-accessible cloud storage. It also allows for ease of collaboration on files and documents. The tool is also highly customizable and allows for the integration of all of your shared work environments.

Like any tool, you can miss out on some of the great functionality of SharePoint if you don’t take the time to optimize your processes within the tool. Save yourself time and frustration with these tips and tricks.

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5 Ways to Optimize Your Azure Environment

With huge volumes of data and large numbers of people needing access to data, data management has become a very difficult task many companies are dealing with using cloud-based data management. This is a new way of doing business very many organizations but the capabilities that software companies have provided through this type of platform is unmatched.

Microsoft Azure is a popular and trusted cloud management service used by many businesses. Microsoft Azure offers a broad range of capabilities including networking, analytics, computing, and storage. Users are able to customize the tool by choosing which of these capabilities they will use to run existing applications in the public cloud or develop new applications.

Microsoft Azure is an incredibly adaptable tool but no matter what you use it for, we have 5 ways to optimize your Azure environment.

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How To Manage Conflict

Conflict, while unpleasant, is something we will all face multiple times over the course of our careers. Though conflict is inherently negative, when managed effectively it can actually yield productive conversations and personal growth. Because conflict at work is inevitable, it is best to know how to manage conflict by having some strategies at your disposal so that you can resolve conflict quickly and get back to focusing on your goals. Your ability to manage conflict will provide a lot of value to your team as so many employees lack this skill and often don’t know how to express themselves professionally and respectfully when they are experiencing a high degree of emotion. Knowing how to manage conflict is a great way to practice emotional intelligence at work. Whether you’re a manager or a team member, having the right conflict management techniques at your disposal will give you simple, actionable steps to take so you can resolve these unpleasant, unavoidable situations.

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